19 Jun Colonel Mike Gonzales Joins Foundation Board of Directors

Colonel Michael R. Gonzales, U.S. Army, Retired, of Santa Fe, New Mexico has joined the Board of Directors of the Army Scholarship Foundation. Colonel Gonzales served 30 years in the New Mexico National Guard. He is a graduate of the New Mexico Military Institute and New Mexico State University. He holds an MPA from Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania. Currently he is Director of Army Programs for Modern Technology Solutions, Inc. (MTSI) of Alexandria, Virginia.
His key military assignments include Director of Strategic Operations at U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Deputy Assistant Commandant at the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School, Chairman of the Department of Strategy and Planning at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, and G-6 at U.S. Army Central Command (Forward). He commanded the 6th Battalion (Chaparral), 200th Air Defense Artillery, New Mexico Army National Guard and served with the 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery in Germany.
Colonel Gonzales is married to the former Christine S. Smith. The couple has two children, Gabrielle A. Gonzales and Michael R. Gonzales II.
The Army Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2001 to provide scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of US Army soldiers and Army veterans, and to spouses of enlisted active duty soldiers. The Foundation is sustained by the generous donations of its supporters. Tax free contributions can be sent to the Foundation at 6412 Brandon Avenue, Springfield, Virginia 22150. To learn more about the Army Scholarship Foundation or to make a tax free donation, please visit www.ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org.
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