01 Aug Army Scholarship Foundation Announces Scholarship Awards for 2015-2016 Academic Year

The Army Scholarship Foundation announced today the award of fifty scholarships to children of United States Army soldiers and veterans and spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. Scholarships for the upcoming 2015-2016 academic year were awarded to deserving Army family members as follows:
The Captain Jennifer Schafer-Odom Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Jinah L. Kim of Chandler, AZ. Jinah is the daughter of Captain and Mrs. Taylor Kim. CPT Kim is stationed with Third Army Headquarters at Shaw, AFB, SC. Jinah is a junior at Arizona State University studying Psychology and Biochemistry. Jennifer Shafer Odom grew up on a dairy farm in Knoxville, Maryland. After graduating first in her class at Brunswick High School, she entered the U.S. Military Academy and graduated as a member of the Class of 1992. She became an Army aviator and served tours of duty in both the United States and Europe, where she supported both the Kurdish refugee and Bosnia missions. While serving with the 204th Military Intelligence Battalion at Fort Bliss, Texas in 1999, her aircraft was reported missing while flying intelligence and counter drug missions over Columbia, South America. She and her crew were lost.
The Lieutenant Scott Love Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Marie Russell of Hanceville, AL. Marie’s parents are Lieutenant Colonel & Mrs. Patrick Russell of Hanceville. Marie is a junior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, majoring in music education and performing arts. First Lieutenant Scott Love was killed in action in 2006 while serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Scott Love was an “Army brat” who was born at Fort Campbell, KY and graduated from high school in Huntsville, AL. He graduated from Florida State University in 1996 and enlisted in the US Army in 1999 as a military intelligence specialist. In 2003, he attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, and was subsequently assigned as a platoon leader with 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry stationed at Baumholder, Germany. His unit deployed to Kuwait in November 2005 with Scott’s platoon assigned as part of Task Force 1-35 Armor when he was killed at Ar Ramadi, Iraq.
The Sergeant Andrew Topham Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Mr. Joshua Neal of Battleboro, NC. Joshua is the son of Sergeant Major and Mrs. Scott D. Neal. SGM Neal is currently assigned to the 2d Battalion, 108th Military Police at Fort Jackson, SC. Joshua is a junior at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, where he majors in Business.
Sergeant Andrew Topham grew up in Randolph, Massachusetts near Boston. He was a highly decorated soldier, awarded the Bronze Star for service in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. In addition he earned the Army Commendation Medal, Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon and the Overseas Ribbon.
The Lieutenant General Jack Costello Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Kayla Richey of Lorena, TX. Kayla is the spouse of Specialist Tristan J. Richey who is assigned to the 202d MP Company of the 89th MP Brigade at Fort Bliss, TX. Kayla is a sophomore at McLennan Community College in Waco, TX. LTG Jack Costello was born in Pottsville, PA and was commissioned in the Army upon graduation from the Citadel. He served in the 82d Airborne Division and in Vietnam. He commanded the 2d Battalion, 59th Air Defense Artillery, the 35th ADA Brigade, 32d Army Air Defense Command in Germany, the ADA School and Fort Bliss, Texas, and the US Army Space & Missile Defense Command. Upon retirement, he joined the Raytheon Company where he led Network Centric Systems Strategic Planning and Business Development operations and the company’s Improvised Explosive Device Defeat efforts.
The Colonel Urey Woodson Alexander Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Dillon Luedtke of Fayetteville, NC. Dillon attended Bamberg American High School in Germany and is a junior at the Citadel in Charleston, SC majoring in History. Dillon is the son of Sergeant Major & Mrs. Frank Luedtke. SGM Luedtke is assigned with the 319th Field Artillery Regiment of the 82d Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, NC. Colonel Urey W. Alexander was commissioned upon graduation from West Point in 1940. During WWII he commanded the 386th Field Artillery Battalion throughout the war, deployed the battalion to France and fought in Belgium, Holland, the Battle of the Bulge, and into Germany in 1945. He advised the Greek Army in their civil war with the Communists in 1950, and served as US Military Attaché to Poland. He commanded the 35th Artillery Group in Germany and retired from the faculty as Director of Instruction at the Army War College in Carlisle, PA. Upon Army retirement, he served as Business Manager of the Dickinson College School of Law in Carlisle.
The Lieutenant Keirn C. Brown Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Jessica Bortner of Dayton, TX. She is the daughter Sergeant Janice Bortner who retired from the Texas National Guard following over 20 years of active and National Guard service. Janice is a graduate of Dayton High School, and is a senior at Texas A&M University at Galveston. Lieutenant Keirn C. Brown grew up in Niagara County, New York, graduated from the University of Rochester and was called to active duty with his National Guard unit in 1940. He participated in every major European Campaign including the invasion of North Africa, action at Anzio and the Colmar Pocket and Saarland. He rose to the rank of Master Sergeant before earning a battlefield commission. After the war, he became a member of the Foreign Service and served around the world as a diplomat and senior State Department executive for over 25 years.
The Lieutenant Colonel J. Allan Green Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Mr. Neakail Tolbert of Fort Hood, Texas. Neakail is the son of Master Sergeant & Mrs. Stanley Tolbert. MSG Tolbert is assigned to the 54th Quartermaster Company at Fort Lee, VA. Neakail is a sophomore majoring in Graphic Design and Multimedia at Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI. Lieutenant Colonel J. Allan Green was born in 1926 and died in 2011 in Austin, Texas. He joined the Army as a private in 1944 during World War II. He later completed Officer Candidate School and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Armor branch. He served in the Korean War as a First Lieutenant, where he was wounded and for which he was awarded the Purple Heart. He also served in Vietnam in 1970. LTC Green retired from the Army in 1972 after 28 years of service. Two years after retiring from the Army he entered the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin and upon completion of his studies was ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church.
The Perot Family Honorary Scholarship was awarded to Paige Seydler of Castorland, NY. Paige is the daughter of Master Sergeant and Mrs. Alfred Seydler. Paige is a junior at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY, where she is majoring in Medical Technology. The Perot Family and the Hillwood Corporation, which is a Perot Family Enterprise headquartered in Dallas, are strong supporters of the US military and of Army families. They are dedicated to
assisting our military members and to promoting educational opportunities for Army family members.
The KBR Honorary Scholarship is awarded to Taylor Iacobucci of Hinesville, GA. Taylor is the spouse of Specialist Nicholas Iacobucci who is stationed with the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team of the 3d Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, GA. Taylor is a senior at Armstrong State University in Savannah, Ga where she is majoring in Health Services Administration. KBR is headquartered in Houston, Texas. KBR is a leading global engineering, construction, and services company supporting the government services, energy, petrochemicals, and civil infrastructure sectors. The company employs over 50,000 people worldwide in locations that include Australia, Africa, the UK, Asia and the Middle East. KBR has built a proud history and a leading market position in the government infrastructure (G&I) sector by being a low-cost, high-efficiency and absolutely reliable provider. Not only is KBR the largest contractor for the United States Army and a top-ten contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense, it is currently the world’s largest defense services provider.
The BAE Systems Honorary Scholarship was is awarded to Brittany Kinnard of Hopkinsville, KY. Brittany is the daughter of CW3 (USA retired) & Mrs. Steven Kinnard. Brittany is a senior at Murray State University in Murray, KY, where she is majoring in Animal Sciences. BAE Systems is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. The company provides support and service solutions for current and future defense, intelligence, and civilian systems, and designs, develops and manufactures a wide range of electronic systems and subsystems for both military and commercial applications. They also design, develop, produce, and provide service support of armored combat vehicles, artillery systems and intelligent munitions.
The Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Scholarship is awarded to Jennifer Stawski of Junction City, Kansas. Jennifer’s father retired from the Army as a Staff Sergeant following over twenty years’ service including combat operations in Desert Storm. Jennifer is a senior at Manhattan Christian College in KS where she is majoring in Athletic Training. Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, headquartered in Redondo Beach, California, is an approximately $10 Billion business and is a premier provider of manned and unmanned aircraft, space systems and advanced technologies critical to our nation’s security.
An Anonymous Scholarship was awarded to Mrs. Lorena Garcia of El Paso, Texas. Lorena is the spouse of Staff Sergeant Javier Garcia-Urrela who is assigned to Headquarters Company, 3d Armored Combat Team, 1st Armor Division at Ft Bliss. Lorena is a sophomore at American Military University in Charlestown, WV, majoring in Human Development and Family Studies.
The Association of the US Army Audie Murphy North Texas Chapter Honorary Scholarship was awarded to Chrissherra Mills of Converse, Texas. Chrissherra is the daughter of First Sergeant & Mrs. Christopher Mills. 1SG Mills is assigned to A Company, Brooke Army Medical Center, at Fort Sam Houston, TX. Hope graduated from the Judson HS and will enter Baylor University in Waco, TX in the fall.
The General Dynamics Corporation Honorary Scholarship is awarded to Meagan Hilty of Clymer, PA. Meagan is a sophomore majoring in Biology at St Francis University in Loretto, PA. Meagan is the daughter of retired Master Sergeant & Mrs. Daniel Hilty; MSG Hilty is retired. General Dynamics is located in Falls Church, Virginia, and is a market leader in business aviation, land and expeditionary combat vehicles and systems, armaments and munitions, shipbuilding and marine systems, and mission-critical information systems and technology.
The Sergeant First Class Neal Benson Elbit Systems Honorary Scholarship is awarded to Alexis Baker of Lonoke, Arkansas. Alexis is the daughter of Sergeant Ronald W. Baker, who was killed in action while assigned with the 39th Support Battalion of the First Cavalry Division in Iraq in 2004. She resides with her mother Ms. Joanne C. Baker. Alexis will enter the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville where she will major in Biology. Sergeant First Class Neal Benson is a current Elbit Systems employee and United States Army soldier. SFC Benson enlisted in the United States Army during Desert Storm and served three combat deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq with Special Forces units. He was severely wounded in 2007 in Afghanistan, but following a long recovery, returned to active duty for deployment to Iraq. He serves as an inspiration and role model to all those who come in contact with him. Elbit Systems of America is a subsidiary of Elbit Systems Ltd. in Fort Worth, TX. Elbit Systems of America delivers commercial aviation, defense, homeland security and medical instrumentation products for the North American market.
Fluor Honorary Scholarships were awarded to eleven Army family member students. For more than 100 years, Fluor has partnered with clients to design, build, and maintain many of the world’s most challenging and complex capital projects. Through its global network, Fluor’s 43,000 employees provide comprehensive capabilities and world-class expertise in engineering, procurement, construction, operations, maintenance, and project management. Today, the company serves a global client base in the energy, chemicals, government, industrial, infrastructure, operations and maintenance, manufacturing and life sciences, mining, power and transportation sectors. Fluor Honorary Scholarships were awarded to:
Kaitlin Bruneau of Cookeville, TN. Kaitlin is the daughter of Sergeant Major Louis Bruneau of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery of the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, KY. Kaitlin is a junior at Furman University in Greenville, SC studying Health Science and Pre Med.
Paige Hobart of Naples, NY. Paige’s father, Corporal Michael Hobart, died on active duty at Fort Drum, NY in 2005. Paige is a junior at Gannon University in Eire, PA where she is studying Exercise Science.
Frances Dean of Richardson, Texas. Frances’ father is Sergeant First Class Darryl Dean, who is retired. She is a sophomore at the University of Georgia majoring in Public Health.
Marisela Devora of Wahiawa, Hawaii. Marisela’s father is Sergeant First Class Blas Devora, who is assigned with Headquarters Company, 524th Combat Service Support Group, Schofield Barracks, HI. Marisela will enter Baylor University as a freshman studying biochemistry.
Asia Jackson of Aberdeen, Maryland. Asia’s father served as a specialist in the 159th Aviation Regiment. Asia is a senior at Pennsylvania State University majoring in Psychology.
Stacy Pifer of Hope Mills, North Carolina. Stacy is the spouse of Sergeant First Class Aaron J. Pifer, who is an Army recruiter in Fayetteville, NC. She is a senior at Methodist University in Fayetteville, majoring in English.
Scarlet Levine of Boeblingen, Germany. Scarlet is the spouse of Sergeant First Class Mark Levine, who is assigned to the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group in Germany. Scarlet is a sophomore at the University of Maryland majoring in Psychology. )
Janelle Ducusin of Colonial Heights Virginia. Janelle is the daughter of Sergeant First Class Alfredo Ducusin, US Army retired. Janelle is a senior at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA majoring in Kinesiology.
Kelsey Waters of Highland Falls, New York. Kelsey is the daughter of Colonel Glenn Waters, who was wounded in action in Iraq and is currently stationed at Fort Sill, OK. Kelsey is a junior at the Fashion Institute of Technology majoring in Fashion Merchandising.
Heather Pekrul of Clarksville, Tennessee. Heather is the spouse of Staff Sergeant Vincent Pekrul who is assigned to the NCO Academy of the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, KY. Heather is a senior at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville majoring in Nursing.
Samantha Nance of Fort Worth, Texas. Samantha is the spouse of Private First Class Marty P. Nance who is assigned with the 2d Battalion, 214th Field Artillery at Fort Sill, OK. Samantha is a senior at Texas Woman’s University in Denton, TX, majoring in Business and Human Relations.
The Army Scholarship Foundation announced additional awards of twenty four scholarships to deserving children and spouses of United States Army soldiers and veterans and spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. Scholarships were awarded to:
Cindy Himmelhaver of Fort Bragg, NC, who is the spouse of Specialist Noah Himmelhaver, assigned to 36th Area Support Medical Company. She is a junior at Fayetteville State University majoring in Biology.
Carissa Carlin of Humboldt, Nebraska. Her father served as a specialist with 3d Bn, 69th Armor at Fort Stewart. She in entering the University of Nebraska to study Animal Sciences.
Adelyne Anderson of Fredericksburg, VA. Her father is Lieutenant Colonel Dean Anderson, stationed at Ft Belvoir. She is entering Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA.
Amanda Lloyd of Watertown, NY, who is the daughter of Chief Warrant Officer Gregory Lloyd, assigned to the 10th Mountain Division at Ft Drum. Amanda is entering Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT to study sports medicine.
Jazmin Unruh of Villas, NJ, who is the daughter of Master Sergeant Michael Clements, retired. Jazmin is a sophomore studying writing at Savannah School of Art & Design.
Shannon Woodgeard of Wiesbaden, Germany. Shannon is the spouse of Private First Class Cody Woodgeard assigned to the 214th Aviation Regiment in Wiesbaden. She is a junior at the University of Maryland majoring in Social Sciences.
Caysee Hilliard of North Prince George, VA. She is the daughter of Specialist Earl Hilliard who served with the 125th Signal Battalion at Schofield Barracks, HI. She is a freshman at the College of William and Mary in VA.
Kelsey Ledford of Manhattan, Kansas. She is the spouse of Sergeant Brandon Ledford, assigned to the 1st Bn, 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, Ft Riley, KS. She is a junior at Kansas State University majoring in Social Work.
Caroline Martin of Gallivants Ferry, SC. She is the daughter of Specialist Darryll Martin who served with the 2d ACR in Germany. Caroline will attend Charleston Southern University.
Jami Gulley of Centerville, VA. She is the spouse of Master Sergeant Shawn Gulley assigned to Headquarters, Department of the Army. She is a junior at Northern VA Community College.
Julia Kyser of Wahiawa, HI, who is the spouse of Specialist Randal Kyser. He is assigned to the 3d Brigade Combat Team at Schofield Barracks. Julia will attend American Public University in Charlestown, WV.
Kierin Johnson of Ft Bragg, NC, the spouse of Specialist Justin Borquez assigned to the1st Bn 505th Infantry. Kierin is a senior at Fayetteville Technical College studying dental hygiene.
Johanna Burr of Decatur, Georgia is the daughter of former Specialist Todd Burr who served401st Military Police at Ft Campbell, KY. Johanna will enter Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY in the fall.
Katerena Gunn of Honolulu, HI, who is the spouse of Specialist Michael Gunn. Specialist Gunn is serving with the 206th Military Intelligence Battalion at Ft Shafter, HI. Katerena is a senior at the University of Hawaii majoring in Elementary Education.
Alyssa Espinoza of Tucson, AZ, who is the daughter of former Sergeant Emilio Espinoza. Specialist Espinoza served in the 2d Battalion, 71st Infantry at Ft Bliss. Alyssa is a sophomore at Cornell University majoring in Human Biology.
Duane Heindel of Sylvania, GA. Duane is the son of Staff Sergeant Charles W. Heindel, who is retired. He is a junior at Georgia Southern University majoring in Nursing.
Jasmine Warren of Winston, GA. She is the daughter of Sergeant First Class Stephen Warren who is assigned to the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Support Team in Macon, GA. She is a sophomore at Saint Leo University in Florida, majoring in Biology.
Timothy Butts of Albemarle, NC, who is the son of retired Sergeant First Class Sandra Rizzo. SFC Rizzo previously served at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD. Timothy is attending East Carolina University studying Chemistry and Pre Medicine.
Monika Dooley-Harriott of Pooler, GA, who is the spouse of Sergeant Gawayne Harriott. SGT Harriott is assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3d Aviation Regiment of the 3d Infantry Division at Hunter Army Airfield. She is a senior at the University of Phoenix, majoring in Healthcare.
McKayla Kraft of Whispering Pines, NC, who is the daughter of Master Sergeant Ryan Kraft, retired. Monika is attending East Carolina University majoring in Exercise Physiology.
Paris Jude of Tinley Park, Illinois. Paris’ mother, PFC Elizabeth Jude served with 19th Support Command in US Army Europe. Paris is attending the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Chelsea Thompson of Campbellsburg, Indiana. Chelsea is the daughter of Specialist Gene Thomson who served with the 1st Bn, 320th Field Artillery. She will attend the University of Southern Indiana and study Nursing.
Emily Woolard of Greensboro, NC. Emily is the daughter of Sergeant Joe Wollard who served as a Sergeant with 1st Battalion, 113th Field Artillery. Emily is a junior at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC where she is majoring in Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology.
Hudson Eckstrom of Fort Collins, CO. He is the son of Master Sergeant Mark Eckstrom who is stationed with 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry of the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii. Hudson graduated from Chapin High School in El Paso and is a sophomore at Colorado State University in Fort Collins.
The Army Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2001 by concerned Army veterans who desired to continue their service to the Nation and to support and assist families of Army soldiers. The Army Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of US Army soldiers and Army veterans, as well as to spouses of serving active duty enlisted soldiers. The Foundation is sustained by the generous donations of its supporters. Tax deductible donations can be sent to the Army Scholarship Foundation, 1700 Preston Road, Suite 660-301, Dallas, Texas 75230 or on line at www.ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org
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