26 Apr Texas SECC Press Release
Dallas: The Army Scholarship Foundation announced today that the Foundation has been accepted to participate in the 2016 State of Texas Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC)! This selection is a result of a successful audit of Foundation records, finances, and operations, and allows Texas state employees the opportunity to make payroll gifts to support the Army Scholarship Foundation and provide much needed scholarships to children of soldiers and spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. The Army Scholarship Foundation will be listed as one of the eligible charities for Texas state employees to consider in making tax deductible contributions during the 2016 donation open season.
The Army Scholarship Foundation’s SECC Code is 286001 for dedicated donations.
The Army Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2001 to provide scholarships to spouses of enlisted US Army solders and to deserving sons and daughters of soldiers and Army veterans. The Foundation is sustained by the generous donations of its supporters. Tax Free donations may be sent to the Army Scholarship Foundation, 11700 Preston Road, Suite 660-301, Dallas, TX 75230. To learn more about the Army Scholarship Foundation or to make a tax free donation, please visit www.ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org
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