20 Jan Assisting Army family members pursue and achieve their higher education goals.

Q What is your mission or highest purpose?
A Our mission is to provide college level academic scholarships to sons and daughters of U.S. Army soldiers and to spouses of active duty enlisted soldiers. The Foundation was established in 2001 by a group of former soldiers who desired to continue to serve our nation’s Army.
Q How many clients are served each year?
A This most recent year, we awarded 103 scholarships to Army family members, and we have awarded hundreds over the life of the Foundation.
Q What are your critical needs now, besides money donations?
A Since we are an all-volunteer organization, we can always use more volunteers to help with application scoring. In addition, we very much need to be able to establish a regular program of scheduled fund raising events.
Q What upcoming fundraisers are on the calendar?
A On March 27, we will hold a “High Tea” at the Crowe Library featuring British Chef Darren McGrady, the Royal Chef and musical entertainment. High Tea will begin at 2:30 p.m., and tickets are $125, $250 and $500 with sponsorship opportunities available.
Q Tell us the name of a volunteer who always goes beyond the call of duty.
A Chelanie Israel and Kirsha Creamer are a mother-daughter team who set up, designed and manage our website as well as our Facebook and social media accounts. They have worked tirelessly to assist us in our daily ongoing operations.
Q What do you think is the most important thing you do for the community?
A Army families face unique and numerous challenges in pursuing their higher education goals and are very often financially disadvantaged. We assist these Army family member students who are often the first generation in their families to attend college, enabling them to gain an education.
Q What is difficult about your job?
A Every year we receive far more valid applications from deserving students than we can assist with awards, and we must turn down these applicants. It is so difficult to tell a good student in need that we cannot help him or her with a scholarship.
Q What is rewarding about your job?
A Getting feedback from Army family member students who are so thrilled and honored to receive a scholarship from the Army Scholarship Foundation.
Q Who is someone helped by Army Scholarship Foundation?
A Samantha is the spouse of Private First Class Marty Nance, and was a full time student at Texas Woman’s University in Denton. In addition to her studies, she worked full time and is also the mother of two small children. She was only able to see her husband on occasional weekends, plus being charged with full time work and child rising. With our help she was able to graduate and subsequently find a new job closer to home. Her job was actually provided by a company, which supports us.
Q Suppose your non-profit received a $20,000 check in the mail today … where would it immediately be put to good use?
A We would award 10 more $2000 scholarships to deserving students this year.
Jeff Gault, chief executive officer, answered this week’s questions.
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