18 Apr Heros 2015
Fighting For Heroes Luncheon ☆ October 27, 2015

The Army Scholarship Foundation hosted its inaugural benefit luncheon on October 27, 2015 at the Brook Hollow Golf Club in Dallas. General John Abizaid, US Army retired, and former Commander of United States Central Command was the keynote speaker. Other speakers included Lieutenant General Jay Garner, US Army retired, and former Director of the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance for Iraq, and former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Robert Jordan. Samantha Nance, 2015 scholarship recipient and spouse of Private First Class Marty Nance of Fort Sill, also spoke about the difficulties faced by military family members in pursuing their education. Sponsors for the event included Bell Helicopter (Gold sponsor), AT&T, Hillwood (a Perot Company), the Brown Foundation, PepsiCo and Frito Lay (Silver sponsors), and Willow Bend Retail Partners and Graff Chevrolet, and the Beck Group (Bronze sponsors). The event was attended by over 200 business, civic, and academic leaders as well as both active duty and retired soldiers
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