15 Jan US Military Academy Class of 1970 Establishes Ten Memorial Scholarships Honoring Fallen Classmates and Class Sons.
US Military Academy Class of 1970 Establishes Ten Memorial Scholarships Honoring Fallen Classmates and Class Sons.
For more information contact: Jeff Gault at jeff.gault@ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org
The Army Scholarship Foundation announced today that the West Point Class of 1970 has established ten Memorial Scholarships honoring fellow classmates and class sons. These scholarships will be awarded perpetually to US Army family members on an annual basis.
Memorial Scholarships have been established honoring: Major Randall Carlson who was killed in action in Lebanon, Lieutenants Robert Brown, Richard Green, Mike Minor and Howard Steinfeld, who died in Vietnam; Lieutenants Ken Gillihan and Michael Hawley who were killed in military operations; and Class Sons Staff Sergeant Todd Selge who was killed in Iraq and Lieutenant Colonel Ian McBeth who died in military operations in Australia. The Class of 1970 is also establishing a tenth Memorial Scholarship honoring all members of the class who have passed away. These ten memorial scholarships will join the existing Lieutenant Scott Love Memorial Scholarship which had been established previously, honoring another fallen class son who was killed in action in Iraq. This makes a total of eleven scholarships honoring class members of the USMA Class of 1970 and fallen class sons.
The Army Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2001 to provide scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of US Army soldiers and Army veterans, and to spouses of enlisted active-duty soldiers. The Foundation is sustained by the generous donations of its supporters. Tax deductible contributions can be sent to the Foundation at 11700 Preston Road, Suite 660-301, Dallas, Texas 75230. Those wishing to learn more about the Army scholarship Foundation or to make a tax-deductible donation may visit www.ArmyScholarshipFoundation.org.
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