14 Jun Army Scholarship Foundation Announces Major Donation from the North Texas Chapter of the Association of the United States Army

The Army Scholarship Foundation announced today a major donation from the North Texas Chapter of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). The funds donated were the result of a partnership between the AUSA and the Army Scholarship Foundation in sponsoring the America’s Future Series luncheon with Ross Perot and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Marty Dempsey, on April 26th. Proceeds from the luncheon helped support the Army Scholarship Foundation and Habitat for Humanity veterans’ programs.
The donation was made by AUSA Texas State President J.P Hogan and AUSA North Texas Chapter President Rich Kaniss to Jeff and Rose Gault of the Army Scholarship Foundation during a the Dallas U.S. Army Birthday Celebration hosted by the Army Scholarship Foundation on June 14.
The Association of the U.S. Army is a private, non-profit educational organization that supports America’s Army – the Active, National Guard, and Reserve components, Department of the Army civilians, Wounded Warriors, retirees, veterans, and family members. AUSA provides numerous professional development opportunities at a variety of events both local and national. AUSA has over 125 chapters worldwide, all run by volunteers. The North Texas Chapter of AUSA is one of the most active and largest in the Association.
The Army Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2001 by concerned Army veterans who desired to continue their service to the Nation and to support and assist families of Army soldiers. The Army Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships to deserving sons and daughters of US Army soldiers and Army veterans, as well as to spouses of serving active duty enlisted soldiers. The Foundation is sustained by the generous donations of its supporters. Tax deductible donations can be sent to the Army Scholarship Foundation, 1700 Preston Road, Suite 660-301, Dallas, Texas 75230.
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