The Army Scholarship Foundation awards one-year financial scholarships (not grants or loans) on an annual basis to qualified and deserving students. The amount of award ranges from $500 to $2000 for undergraduate studies at accredited educational/technical institutions. Scholarship recipients may apply to renew their scholarships annually for a total of four years of higher education. Renewal is not automatic, but depends on academic performance and continued academic eligibility. They are awarded on the basis of academic record and participation in school and community activities.
The Foundation awards the following memorial and honorary scholarships to deserving applicants annually:
The Colonel Urey Woodson Alexander Memorial Scholarship
The Lieutenant Colonel Walter R. Bowie Memorial Scholarship
The Lieutenant Keirn C. Brown Memorial Scholarship
The Captain David O. Byars Memorial Scholarship
The Lieutenant General Jack Costello Memorial Scholarship
The Alan Robert and Veronica Lenox Cotariu Memorial Scholarship
The Captain James and Ruby Eheman Memorial Scholarship
The Lieutenant J. Allan Green Memorial Scholarship
Staff Sergeant John F. Kusior Memorial Scholarship
The Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund Scholarships
The First Lieutenant Scott McClean Love Memorial Scholarship
The Captain Jennifer Shafer Odom Memorial Scholarship
The Captain Frank George Oliver Memorial Scholarship
The Perot Family Scholarship
The Lieutenant Colonel Henry Bessemer Richmond III Memorial Scholarship
The Captain Paul C. Sawtelle Memorial Scholarship
The Sergeant Andrew Edmund Topham Memorial Scholarship
The Association of the US Army Audie Murphy North Texas Chapter Honorary Scholarship
The BAE Systems Honorary Scholarship
The Bell Helicopter Honorary Scholarship
The Elbit Systems of America Honorary Scholarships
The Fluor Honorary Scholarship
The General Dynamics Honorary Scholarship
The KBR Honorary Scholarship
The Mary Kay Corporation Honorary Scholarship
The Northrop Grumman Scholarship
The Master Sergeant Leroy Petry Honorary Scholarship
The Planet Home Lending LLC Honorary Scholarship
The Raytheon Honorary Scholarship
The USAA Honorary Scholarship
173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team Honorary Scholarship
The Foundation awards other scholarships in addition to those listed above. Scholarship applicants will be considered for all available scholarships and need not designate a scholarship or scholarships for which they want to apply.